Fermentation Options

Making Yogurt in the Proofer

If you have a proofer, there is a very easy way to streamline the yogurt making process.  Here are the simple instructions:

1.  Heat 1 gallon of milk in a pot on the stove to 185 degrees.
Let cool to between 110 and 115 degrees.
2.  Mix 5-6 tbsp of starter in a little milk and whisk into the cooled milk.
3.  Take the pot off of the stove and put it straight into the oven (on the proof setting).  Cover with a dishcloth.
4.  Leave in the proofer for 8 hours or until slightly congealed.
5.  Remove from oven and put in refrigerator until firm.
6.  Line a colander with cheesecloth or an open weave dishtowel and pour the congealed yogurt into the cloth.  Place the colander in another bowl that will collect the whey.  Put back in the refrigerator and strain off the whey until the yogurt reaches the desired consistency.
7.  Enjoy your homemade yogurt!

Making Yogurt in a Dehydrator

My brother received an Excalibur dehydrator for his 18th birthday.  He had used it very little, so in the meantime my mother and I have absconded it to ferment our yogurt.  This is currently our method of choice as it is the easiest option for us and gives us the best results to date!

Currently, we heat and cool our milk, whisk in starter, turn the dehydrator to the 115 degree or "yogurt" setting, and put our pot (yes, the pot from the stove because we are lazy and grew weary of washing the pot only to wash a pyrex, colander, and large plastic bowl within hours) in the dehydrator.  We leave it for 6-8 hours, or until someone remembers to take it out of the dehydrator.  I then place it directly into the refrigerator to congeal.  About another 8 hours or overnight, I remove it from the fridge and pour it into our cloth-lined colander over a large bowl for straining.  

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