Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Welcome to Frugal Health Solutions!

Since my high school days I have been intrigued by the human body.  The scope and depth of the functions of this Intelligently Designed machine are practically incomprehensible.  Science has given us a mere glimpse into the inner workings of our incredible bodies.  Over the past three or so years I have been studying medicine both natural and conventional, and have recognized the inextricable tie between nutrition and the efficient functioning of our body systems.

Good nutrition is difficult to achieve these days.  The "health" food industry is huge, expensive, and not all it has been touted to be.  In 2001 I read an article in a natural food magazine which revealed that foods - at the time - were only required to be 40% "organic" to be labeled as such.  In other words, a farm could use 60% fewer pesticides, artificial colors, and chemical fertilizers and grow "organic" products.  In the meantime, foods that are a regular part of our diet such as milk, wheat, and even fruits and vegetables have been falling further into a sea of pesticides, preservatives, hormones, and antibiotics.

While I am not a health fanatic, my research and observations have led me to conclude that the food industry is negatively affecting our bodies to an alarming degree.  The children of the baby boomers were the first generation to be exposed to a higher degree of food modification.  The "eighties babies", or my generation, are so steeped in altered foods that it is nearly impossible to avoid them in a normal, healthy diet.  After watching a trend in subsequent generations I have come to the conclusion that we are now witnessing the long-term effects food alteration on the human body.  Disease, allergies, and bodily imbalances are at an all time high.  Nearly everyone has some sort of dietary restriction or recurring health concern that is linked to nutrition.  Lactose intolerance, gluten and casein intolerance, migraines and IBS are all examples of nutrition-related health problems.

My personal concerns with nutrition are adjusting as I learn and understand more about how the foods we eat affect our bodies, and to a greater extent our lives.  With my focus on reproductive function and health, I want to keep my body fit and prepared to healthfully bear children.  Hormones and antibiotics are of particular concern which includes meat and dairy products.  I have wondered if our descent to an American birthrate below replacement levels (currently 1.7 children per family) is partially due to detrimental nutrition as well as the infiltration of secular worldviews.  The negative effects on both male and female reproductive systems due to pharmecuticals and modified foods are becoming more common and identifiable.  My own hopes of eventual wifehood, motherhood and a fruitful womb compel me to pay attention to such factors.

As I discover more about the state of our food, I have been inspired to return to simpler and more natural ways to prepare the foods that we regularly consume and to seek the maximum benefit from our diets by eating densely nutritious foods.  One benefit of producing your own food products is that you can be certain that they are natural and free from harmful ingredients with a minimal impact of cost and time.  Yogurt, keifer, kombucha, homemade breads, fresh juices, and natural sources of protein, minerals, and fiber are easy to include in a daily diet and they won't break the bank if you shop wisely and take a little bit of time to to prepare them.

Here, I will share recipes and tips that I have tested and gathered over time that have helped to change the way I eat personally and improve my own health.  Please keep in mind that changing the way you eat and implementing a routine of homemade food products into your diet should not be a decision that you make out of fear.  While the food industry is scary, we have a tendency to follow our emotions and make decisions based on fear.  The choice to pay more attention to your diet should be made out of a genuine desire to be the healthiest vessel for the glory and service of our Lord.  It should not be a trend that you decide to follow, but a personal realization and conviction that you need to change not only the way you eat, but why you eat.  I pray that the tips and recipes here can be an inspiration and a blessing to you!

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."  1 Corinthians 10:31

"For you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body."  1 Corinthians 6:20

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